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5 Ways to De-Stress

Stress is abundant in today's quickly moving world; and although the pressure may be present to keep up with this new speed doesn't mean that it has to rule your world.

Here are 10 quick tips or tricks that can help put you back into your zone.

1- PRIORITIES: Keep it simple. Remembering that it ALL doesn't need to be done today can help take a load off. When you rise in the morning make a simple, concise list of the priorities that need to be taken care of that day. I mean small- post it size. Repeat every day.

2- BREATHE: This is crucial. BREATHE, BREATHE, BREATHE. Taking deep breathes will help re center and bring you back into your bodymind.

3- MEDITATE : Meditation does not need an elaborate space, or fancy yoga mat. Bringing your attention to your breathe, in - out, in- out, not judging thoughts if they do arise but simply allowing them to flow and breathe. Voila, you are meditating.

4- EAT: Did you get enough food today? Did you skip a meal? Only had junk food today? Eating regularly, healthy meals not only balances blood sugar but gives you enough fuel for the day. Blood sugar spikes and dips directly effects, and affects mood. HYDRATE.

5- De CLUTTER : Cleaning out those closets will not only create space in your physical surrounding but also in your emotional space. De clutter your life, make space within.

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